modular arithmetic

英 [ˈmɒdjələ(r) əˈrɪθmətɪk] 美 [ˈmɑːdʒələr əˈrɪθmətɪk]

网络  同余算术; 模算法; 同余; 模算术; 模算術



  1. Prove elementary properties of modular arithmetic and explain their applications in Computer Science, for example, in cryptography and hashing algorithms.
  2. The finite field arithmetic is the base of cryptography and modular inversion is the kernel arithmetic operation.
  3. Image Encryption Communication Scheme Based on Clifford Map and Additive Modular Arithmetic
  4. A High Performance Large Integer Modular Arithmetic Unit and Its Applications
  5. A Fast Algorithm of Modular Arithmetic for PKCS
  6. Then, multi-valued modular algebraic systems were surveyed on multi-valued modular four arithmetic operations in this dissertation, which include some new complete sets, the logical function's expansions, their minimization and so on.
  7. Some Problems on Modular Arithmetic
  8. Digital Audio Watermarking Algorithm Based on Modular Arithmetic Using DWT
  9. Blind Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on DCT of Modular Arithmetic
  10. This paper proposed a robust, transparent and blind image watermarking spatial algorithm based on treble embedding of the modular arithmetic. Three.
  11. Modular arithmetic processor based on an optimized CIOS algorithm An area efficient modular arithmetic processor was developed that is capable of performing RSA public-key cryptography and other modular arithmetic operations as a coprocessor.
  12. Before the appointment of the exam-time, 3 functions are designed in order to avoid the clash that may occur. Modular arithmetic is used on collection to produce a scheme of the exam-time.
  13. The paper proposes a watermarking algorithm to embed copyright protection into digital audio based on modular arithmetic in DWT.
  14. In this thesis, the basic concepts of cryptogram including number theory and modular arithmetic are introduced.
  15. In chapter three, the modular arithmetic algorithms over prime fields are studied.
  16. With the ideal of trading space and time, modular arithmetic can be finished fast by this algorithm based on two tables of residue obtained by precomputation.
  17. Load balancing algorithm with modular and exclusive-or arithmetic
  18. Implementation High-Speed Modular Arithmetic Circuit with Improved Look-up Table
  19. In encryption module, modular multiplication arithmetic of large number was realized adopting addition chaining.
  20. In this paper we present an efficient Euclidean division with remainder, and give the classes of divisors for which our algorithm is particularly efficient, so by this mean we can largely speed modular reduction arithmetic.
  21. Testing and Analyses about Two Algorithms of Modular Arithmetic for PKCS
  22. First the system changes the watermark into a bit sequence, and then embeds the bits into the block-DCT of the image based on modular arithmetic.
  23. This paper is specific to RFID system application characteristic design from FPGA elliptic curve cryptography processor as curve cryptography system is composed of limited domain basic modulo composition, modular arithmetic greatly affected the speed of encryption and decryption, especially focus on the.
  24. Based on exploitation of design tendency to be hierarchical and modular for modern arithmetic circuits, a satisfiability-based path delay test scheme is proposed. In such scheme, a hierarchical path delay fault test method and a modular functional delay fault test method are researched respectively.
  25. The core of the coprocessor is the modular arithmetic units array for parallel computing, while a single modular arithmetic unit is composed of a high-performance scalable Montgomery modualr multiplication unit and a high-performance scalable modular addition and subtraction unit.
  26. During the realization process, a series of optimization algorithms is proposed which makes such scheme suit well to modular and regular arithmetic circuits and the comparison to related work shows that the proposed scheme can much reduce test time.
  27. The modular multiplication module implements the improved Montgomery arithmetic using pipeline. It improves the parallel degree as well as shortens the length of critical path. This module can save 23 circles.
  28. From the analysis of modular arithmetic used in the higher dimensional Arnold cat mapping, and the application of modular arithmetic is to change a big number into a definite numerical range, so modular arithmetic is sensitive to the change of low-order digit.
  29. Montgomery algorithm based on improved use of basic modular arithmetic module scalar multiplication module on the FPGA.
  30. We combine our hybrid method with the Separated Operand Scanning ( SOS) Montgomery multiplication into the HSOS method, a new technique to perform long-integer modular arithmetic.